HAED Gallery

Gallery of Finished Pieces

Chelseas Gift – In Memory of Chelsea – Proceeds to Family – Modified

This artwork is legally licensed by Heaven and Earth Designs, a.k.a. HAED, from the artist.

This chart was divided into 100 x 110 sections and divided between 19 different stitchers for completion. The stitched sections were then pieced and quilted.

The final project was gifted to a very special person’s mother.

Stitched by Nineteen Stitchers including: from Belgium – Peggy; from New Zealand – Jillian; from Peru – Carla; from England – Jo; from Canada – Arlene, Lesley, and Pascale; and from the US – Sophia, Nicole, Judy, Melissa, Lori, and Mericel.

Chelseas Gift – In Memory of Chelsea – Proceeds to Family, as charted, is available on the Heaven and Earth Designs website.

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